

What has happened SO FAR:

Our HOOC Alert remote alarm solution consists of two services:

a) the alarm service and

b) the notification service.

a) With the alarm service, you can customize the alarm rules that will apply in case of an incident (time intervals, escalation levels, etc.) (Example: "If the system temperature rises above x, the technical manager will be informed". "If the alarm is not confirmed within 2 minutes, it will escalate to the next level").)

b) With the notification service, you can define the notification rules that apply in the event of an incident (communication channel, groups of alarm recipients, calendar availability, alarm times, etc.) (Example: In case of a technical breakdown, the technical manager will be informed by push message. If the incident occurs during the evening, the on-call service will be informed by SMS. )

What is NEW?

Instead of one, you have now four notification centers:

One User Notification Center (U-NC) and three Management Notification Centers(M-NC). All four work on the same principle, i.e. with all four, you can customize notification rules ("when and how to notify").

What does that mean EXACTLY ?

Thanks to the new M-NC and U-NC, your remote alarm system can be adapted even better to different possible scenarios in case of a technical failure.

Personal User Notification Center (U-NC): In the U-NC, notification rules can be defined from all facilities to which the user has access.

(Example: You're a landlord in an apartment complex. If there is an issue with the hot water in the building, you will be informed, even if you have nothing to do with the repair process.)

(The user or HOOC user decides for himself/herself when he/she is informed and how).

In the M-NC /site, you can define the notification rules for your different sites.

(Example: You work six months a year abroad. HOOC's remote alarm gives you the reassurance that if your HVAC system breaks down, the repair process will go smoothly and that your trusted technician as well as e.g. your neighbor will be notified immediately via voice message.)

(In short: The system manager decides who is informed, how and when).

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